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Basic Description: God of Saturn, responsible for misfortunes andcalamities. One of the Nine Planets. Alternate Names: Sani History/Practices: The Hindu name for the day Saturday, Sanivara,is named after him. The Sami is sacredto him. Iconography: In art Shanee is portrayed as a black man,dressed in black garments. He is alsolame and uncouth. Mythology: Conjunction Myth: During the reign of king Dasaratha Shanee’scourse would have brought about a conjunction so dangerous it would havedestroyed the earth. Dasaratha was askedto force Shanee to change his course and after a terrible battle with Shanee,Dasaratha managed to do so. Riding Animal: Vulture Other References on the Karma-to-Grace website: Sources: Moor, Edward. The Hindu Pantheon. Los Angeles: Philosophical research society, 1976.Thomas, P. Epics, Myths and Legends of India. Bombay, India: D. B. Taraporevala Sons & Co. Private Ltd, 1961.